Every day I do my work with great enthusiasm. But sometimes I feel my energy level down and become frustrated.   

I can’t concentrate on my work and feel demotivated. It hasn’t happened to you or me only, most people are undergoing through this situation.

In this age, we are taking participation in a race, race for fast money, fast job. We don’t know what the end point is. Just we have to compete others at any cost and anyhow.

This is the main motive of everyone. And we become associated with stress, health problems due to overnight work pressure, target unfulfillment etc.

This frustration permeates if you are not getting success in your work or due to illness, overwork . So I am gonna mention some MOTIVATIONAL line for “SMARTIANS” to come out of this frustration and stay motivated.

It will be really helpful to you and if you follow the rule your life will be changed. Read it completely without skipping any step.


To get motivation for any work you have to find the object what gives the inspiration. Inspiration is an entity which comes from inner self, whereas motivation you may get outside.

People consider motivation and inspiration as same. But these two are different phenomena.

For job holders and business men money is the primary cause of inspiration. Money is the major factor that inspires them to work hard with self-determination and persistence.

If you take the example of social workers, service is the main source of inspiration. They want to serve and help more and more people they can.

For players winning is the main source of inspiration which comes from their spirit.

Similarly, you have to find out the source of inspiration that can motivate you the whole day.


To overcome frustration, you have to stay excited. If you are not getting the excitement you can’t stay motivated. To excel in your work you have to stay excited, yes you have to find a way that can elicit you to gain excitement.

Inspiration is the first step which makes the environment of motivation and then comes the stage of excitement. A football player scores a goal he is cheered by the huge crowd. this excitement entices him to score another goal.

To burn the spark of excitement, celebrate every success you achieve. Whether it is a small one or big one doesn’t matter. Just celebrate.

This is an energy source which works as a catalyst to propel you to your desired destination.

If you can keep the spark illuminated then you will win. Most people get this spark of inspiration but they can’t keep it ignited for a long time. That’s why they fail.


I am not going to teach you goal setting here. But I wanna say that without goal setting you can’t do anything. Setting a perfect goal can lead you to achieve this.

Many people target different goals simultaneously. In this way, you can’t focus on your goals. To achieve goals you have to be focused with energy.

When you focus a magnifying glass on a piece of paper without vibrating your hand, the paper burns. If you slightly vibrate your hand the focal point gets disturbed and the paper is not burnt.

Same thing happens in your real time goals. If you violate the focal point you can’t score the target.

You might have watched a football match how the crowd makes noise during the match. But the players don’t get disturbed their focus remains at the goal post.

If you focus completely on a work there is no force which can violate you. You can accomplish your task at the mid of the crowded marketplace.

If you are trying to achieve more than one goals simultaneously then you can’t concentrate and loose the focus. First, target a single goal and after achieving it set the other one.



Write down your goals using pen and paper. This is highly effective. Writing makes you perfect. Your goal may be one but steps must be different.

Suppose you have a goal to earn $50000 per month. Then decide what the steps to earn that amount are. The steps may be like ‘skill improvement’, ‘technical training’, ‘work performance’ etc.

Write these down on paper. If you break the goal into small steps then it will be easier to target. Then recite the steps daily at least 2 times. Stick the page on a board where you can see it.

Then you will see the magic happens. It will work like a mantra and the Law of Attraction will work. You will definitely get the ideas to accomplish the steps you have written.

You may create some info graphics or picture related to your goal and stick it to the wall. This is a great formula given by Napoleon Hill. Then it became diversified gradually.

Then think read and think about it daily without any gap. Soon you will realize the effect of autosuggestion.



When you make up your mind to go on a vacation, what do you do? Planning, yes you make a plan before 10-15 days, surf the internet do research like how to go, where to stay, best tourism places etc.

Because you don’t wanna be bothered later. Like that before starting any work make a good planning. You can keep a plan book like a monthly planner.

When you watch a movie you get the entertainment in 2- 3 hours. But have you ever thought how much time the producers, directors have spent on planning only?

Any corporate work is fast planned then the tasks are assigned to the staffs. Then the work becomes smooth as the whole members work together as a system to complete the task.

If you make a good planning and review the steps one by one then your work will be easier.



When you want to start a work then the negative thought will hover in your mind like:

‘No you can’t do that’, ‘you can’t get success’, ‘this is a tough task’, ‘what people will say if you fail’, blab la bla …

you have to make up your mind to stay positive. See and find the benefits of your task you are going to start instead of looking the negative points.

Write down the benefits and focus on that. In this way, it will be easier to handle the task.

Fear of failure might be the main cause behind this negativity but if you fall into the habit of positive thinking then surely you can easily overcome this. You have to understand the mind game.

Every morning get up and recite:

‘I am the best’

‘Today is the best day in my life’

‘I will transform the lives of others’

In this way can keep yourself positive.



 Everyday try to do any selfless work, I mean provide service without expecting anything in return. You may serve the helpless, poor, destitute or help people suffering from illness.

In this way, you will feel the inner purity and joy. When internal happiness arises the external sorrow vanishes.

People try to find happiness in the materialistic world, but they always forget that the materialistic world will vanish one day.

Only your work will remain forever. Nobody will remind you for how much bank balance you have or university degree you have achieved; only you will be reminded of your good work or service.

Mother Teresa is no more between us, but her service made her immortal. Thomas Edison is no more, but his electricity is glowing all over the world.





If you share your money it may be reduced, but if you share your knowledge it will increase.

Knowledge is the best investment which returns you the best interest- Benjamin Franklin

The more you share the more you gain. Teach people whatever you know.

When people appreciate your work, you will definitely get inspiration a way 2 inspiration.

Hope you might have liked the article.



  1. Excellent thinking for become a successful person in the life. Excellent sentences with the word which have depth of thinking.

  2. I really appreciate your thinking 😃 sir !! Hats off to you !!! And really sir your thinking is really awesome ! You know what sir i read your all that blogs which you forward in my class group and all that blogs inspired me very beautifully !!! Thankyou so much sir & have a nice time ahead 😊
