IIT Jodhpur To Organize Open House "IIT Padhaaro" To Showcase Scientific, Engineering Capacities


Every department at IIT Jodhpur will showcase the cutting-edge work done by faculty members and students through poster presentations, real-life simulations of prototypes, and working models of the technologies they are working on.

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Jodhpur, is organizing an open house to showcase its scientific and engineering capacities to the people of the city and surrounding areas. The event named "IIT Padhaaro" promises to be an excellent opportunity for students, parents, faculty members, researchers, professionals, entrepreneurs, industrialists, policymakers, and government officials to experience the innovative and dynamic eco-system of the institute, the IIT Jodhpur said in a statement. The open house is scheduled to be held on April 20, 2022, between 5 pm to 9 pm at IIT Jodhpur campus.

All the departments of the IIT Jodhpur will showcase the cutting-edge work done by faculty members and students through poster presentations, real-life simulations of prototypes, and working models of the technologies they are working on, the institute said.

"Apart from opening up laboratories for students to witness first-hand wonders and modalities of science in action, the Institute will exhibit how science and technology, in their applied forms, can create direct, impactful, and meaningful interventions in human life," it said.

IIT Jodhpur will also hold seminar talks on some of the frontier areas of science and technology such as robotics, artificial intelligence, healthcare, energy, neuroscience, neuro-engineering, sensor and internet of things (IoT), cyber-physical systems, molecular engineering, medicinal chemistry, aerodynamics, smart manufacturing and industry 4.0.

Professor Santanu Chaudhury, Director, Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, said, "Open house is an occasion for us to welcome anyone who is interested to know and see how IIT Jodhpur is evolving. As a public institution it is also our responsibility to present our work in forms and formats which are easily comprehensible - an exercise in multi-modal science communication for non-specialists. Open house is an event in that direction. So I again welcome all of you to visit IIT Jodhpur for its first open house.”


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