Amrit Mahotsav | Unity of Creativity - Lori, Deshbhakti Geet & Rangoli creations & win cash upto 6 lac

देश के प्रति भावों से भरा एक देशभक्ति गीत, या स्नेह से भरी एक लोरी, या फिर एक रंगोली, आपको जिता सकती है लाखों के इनाम।

आजादी के अमृत महोत्सव के तहत #UnityInCreativity प्रतियोगिता में भाग लीजिए। जानकारी के लिए देखें: #AmritMahotsav #MainBharatHoon

Rangoli Making Competition

Rangoli is drawn in different states with different names and on different themes. Be it Kollam in Tamil Nadu, Sathiya in Gujarat, Alpana in Bengal, Mandana in Rajasthan, Osa in Odisha, Aipan in Uttarakhand, or simply the Rangoli from Maharashtra – every region has its own unique way of representing their traditions, folklore and practices. Now it is your chance to showcase your creative skills by participating in the Rangoli Making Competition. Anybody above 10 years can a participate in all of these competitions.

Stage 1District Level

Digital Submissions

31st January '22

Stage 2State Level

Physical event with district level winners

7th - 14th Feb '22

Stage 3National Level

Physical Event in Delhi with state level winners

28th Feb '22

Registration Process

  • Step1

    Click on the link here to access the registration form

  • Step2

    Make a rangoli and click a photo. Don’t forget to also click a photo of you making the rangoli so we know the face behind the artwork

  • Step3

    Upload both photos and fill the form details

Winners will be intimated by phone about dates and venue details of next round. Ministry of Culture will bear all boarding and lodging expenses of competitors.

'Deshbhakti Geet' Competition

At the time when our nation gained Independence, several songs, ballads, and hymns written in the many dialects and languages of our vibrant nation and punctuated by the music and sound of unique instruments from different regions of the country, brought every Indian together!

Patriotic songs have always played an important role in boosting our morale and fostering a spirit of love towards the nation. This, is a tradition that has been our strength whenever we have been called upon to come together for the national cause.

As the nation marks its 75th year of Independence, let’s rekindle the sense of pride in our collective identity. In this period of Amrit Kaal, let us write new patriotic songs which will reverberate with the spirit of New India. The colours of one’s art, culture, song, music must certainly be filled in Amrit Mahotsav too.

In an effort to give voice to India’s patriotic soul, every Indian with ages of 10+ is invited to send in their entries here. These patriotic songs can be in your mother tongue or English as well. It is essential that these creations reflect the thought of new India; inspired by the current success of the country, it should be such that fuels the country’s resolve for the future.

Four Stages of Competition

Stage 1

31 Oct to 31 Jan 2022

Tehsil / Taluka Level

Each district will organise these competitions at the Tehsil / Taluka levels. The competition at the Tehsil / Taluka levels will be conducted digitally by uploading the composition along with a few other details.

Stage 2

15 Feb to 28 Feb 2022

District Level

The best entries from Tehsil / Taluka levels will be selected and will be declared as District Level Winners by a specially constituted jury. Winners at the district level will advance to the State / UT level competition.

Stage 3

10 Mar to 31 Mar 2022

State Level

All district winners in a State / UT will compete for the State / UT level prizes. Each State / UT will then select the state level winners to be selected by a specially constituted jury.

Stage 4

13 April 2022

National Level

The State / UT level winners will compete in the final national level competition and from among these participants, national winners will be selected by a specially constituted Jury.

Registration Process

  • Step1

    Click on the link here to access the registration form.

  • Step2

    Create an uploadable file with your Deshbhakti Geet (.doc, .docx, .jpg, .jpeg, .png & .pdf; maximum file size is 4MB)

  • Step3

    Upload your Deshbhakti Geet and fill the form details.

Winners will be intimated by phone about dates and venue details of next round. Ministry of Culture will bear all boarding and lodging expenses of competitors.

'Lori' Competition

Lori (Lullabies) form the earliest memories of our childhood – the most primary forms of storytelling, primarily from a mother to her child but also by grandparents and the entire extended family. Here, sanskars are inculcated in young children through loris (lullabies) and they are introduced to the culture. Loris (Lullabies) also have their own diversity. More often than not, our loris (lullabies) are written around our local surroundings, nature, local heroes and matters of local historical importance. From Assam’s NisûkāniGēēt, to Tamil Nadu’s Thalattupaatu, and from Gujarat’s Loris (Lullabies) to the Kannada LaaliHaadu – each region has its own way of not just making babies fall asleep but simultaneously educating them about the family values, local culture and practices.

In a world that is swiftly becoming digital, this wonderful practice and our traditional loris (lullabies) also afford an opportunity to be told afresh – the same age-old stories but told in new formats or new stories told in tune with modern impulses. In order to revive this beautiful tradition and with it, preserve the local compositions for generations to come, we are organising a Lori (Lullaby) competition for parents, guardians, and children across India.

Every Indian is invited to send in their entries here. Loris (Lullabies) pertaining to patriotism, poems, songs which can be easily recited by mothers in every home to their little children shall be eligible for the contest. In these loris (lullabies), there should be reference to modern India, the vision of 21st century India and its dreams.

Participants are encouraged to submit loris (lullabies) in their mother tongue but if the participant is conversant in more than one language then they can choose their language of choice.

Three Stages of Competition

Stage 1District Level

Submissions till

31st Janauary '22

Stage 2State Level

Event with District
level winners between

10th - 28th Feb '22

Stage 3National Level

Event with
State level winners

8th March '22

Registration Process

  • Step1

    Click on the link here to access the registration form.

  • Step2

    Create an uploadable file with your Lori (.doc, .docx, .jpg, .jpeg, .png & .pdf; maximum file size is 4MB)

  • Step3

    Upload your Lori and fill the form details.

Winners will be intimated by phone about dates and venue details of next round. Ministry of Culture will bear all boarding and lodging expenses of competitors.

Registration Process

  • Step1

    Click on the link here to access the registration form.

  • Step2

    Create an uploadable file with your Lori (.doc, .docx, .jpg, .jpeg, .png & .pdf; maximum file size is 4MB)

  • Step3

    Upload your Lori and fill the form details.

Winners will be intimated by phone about dates and venue details of next round. Ministry of Culture will bear all boarding and lodging expenses of competitors.

For any queries, please contact Ministry helpdesk executives

Helpdesk+91 82797 68451,+91 99992 76781


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